Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A quick Deco Foil tutorial

Hi all!

A couple of weeks ago Therm-o-web came out with a new product called Deco Foil. I decided to buy some and try it out with the hope that being able to offer some fun monograms to pouches might increase business. It arrived today and so I just took some photos along the way to show you. I apologize for the swear word up front, it is for a friend.


Cut out your shapes from the transfer paper. This is basically like any two sided fusible. In fact I saw one person say that they did use Heat n Bond.


If necessary, make sure your piece will fit in your template.


Iron on high heat with parchment paper on top for 30 seconds. They say medium heat but I needed to use high.


Once you remove the paper it will look like this.


Cut a piece of Deco Foil slightly bigger than the area you are working on and place it with the coloured side up. Using your parchments paper again, press for 30 seconds all over with high heat. (I did press longer after testing the lift off)


And done! The bottom will be on my pouch and the top is what is left over! Therm-o-web has about 20 different colours so check them out! And no, this is not sponsored… in fact they have never even heard of me LOL!


  1. That looks great, have to be on the lookout for some to try myself!

  2. Very cool! I have never thought to try that but my daughter would love some sparkly additions to her bags and pouches.

  3. Your deco foil looks way cooler than the plain foils I have, and sturdier, too. I can't wait to see what else you do with them.

  4. Therm O Web knows you now! Love what you did with our foils! The foils are washable on most fabrics.


Thanks for your two cents!