Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First finish of 2014!

I am happy to say that I completed my goal of finishing my Mosaic Tiles pillow. While I enjoyed making the pillow, and I love the result, by the end I was getting tired of little pieces :)


I was considering giving the pillow away but it has grown on me and I am going to keep it. I have actually been quite productive this month and am happy to say that I have made it without cheating on my fabric diet either!

Linking up with ALYOF!!


  1. Yay for you and your gorgeous finish! You have a fab pillow there :)

  2. whoa! those are TINY. What a great effect, I'd keep it too!

  3. Great finish! I love the pillow

  4. Wow! It's fantastic! You are a glutton for punishment working with those tiny pieces.


Thanks for your two cents!