Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fabric fast check-in

Wow! 29 days and still going great! I did buy some background fabric for this quilt, but that was allowed :)

IMG_0514 Now, my only question is, am I allowed to buy if I get a gift certificate? I made a quilt top for someone who owns a store and they said I could get store credit… thoughts?


  1. i guess it depends on your goals. are you trying to cut down on stash to save space or are you trying to save money? b/c if it's just $$$, then i say you can use a gift card b/c it's not coming out of your pocket. if it's to save space then the new stuff will take up more space no matter who paid for it. i love your quilt in progress!

  2. Hmmm, the problem I foresee is you start with the gift certificate and it is not quite enough for the quilt you had planned so you add more fabric.....and more fabric. Oh, that is me, just channelling my own fabric problems. I say go for it when you really feel the need to go shopping!

  3. you are most certainly able to use a gift certificate, it's like if you had recieved fabric as a gift -- I got one for my bday in december and have been holding on to it for when those fabric shakes start to settle in. That quilt is looking super cute. I agree with Pam -- be careful with those extras above the certificate. I also have a credit at an online store for and what I am doing is holding onto it untill there is a fabric that comes out that I must have -- which I rarely feel that way toward an entire line so it may be a while before I use it.

  4. Of course - that is the IDEAL way to do it!!! I love the weiner dog quilt!!!

  5. I love the doggie quilt. I think that gift certificates are perfectly fine to use, they are like a present.

  6. Hm. Can't help. There is no way I wouldn't buy fabric if I wanted it, lol!

    I am making a version of that very same quilt! I hope to finish it up in a few weeks. :)

  7. I don't see that it would hurt. You have to have a little wiggle room or it is going to be a long six months.

  8. Totally! I'm assuming it's the cost you're avoiding rather than the fabric. One can never have too much fabric.

  9. DOOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! (This is the little angel on your shoulder talking) ;)


Thanks for your two cents!