Thursday, December 18, 2014

Looking for feedback

Hi all! I am hoping to be doing more regular blogging in 2015 and was wondering what sorts of things you would like to see? Any weekly or monthly features that you think I should try?



  1. Hi Katy

    I have wondered about asking this too on my blog, think I am scared of what I may get told though. Anyhoo, on blogs I like bigger pictures, lots of crafty makes, interspersed with books, trips and maybe the odd tutorial.
    Your pouches look great too.

    Merry Christmas to you.


  2. Like Julie, I like lots of big pictures and posts about things the writer has made. And I like tutorials. I think you (any blogger) should post about works in progress, not just finished work, because it may be difficult to cover the details of the design and construction process in a post about a finish. Oh. And I like to read about handy tools and notions, even if their original intent was not as a sewing or quilting tool.

  3. I love to see posts about the progress of a project, its inspiration, things that went well, and things that did not go so well. I find those types of posts very inspirational.


Thanks for your two cents!