Monday, December 31, 2012

What a long strange trip its been...

2012 is ending...

I am pretty happy about that. The bad far outweighed the good this year and I am looking forward to a fresh positive start. I have many plans to get my house organised and cleaned up... hopefully I will stick to doing it for awhile at least lol... I also plan on starting and finishing many sewing projects in 2013... I am excited about those :)

I hope you all are looking forward to 2013 with me... thanks for sticking around :)


  1. I hope the year goes better for you too, Katy. Isn't it great that we get a day to wipe the slate clean before trudging on? Happy New Year, my dear.

  2. I am happy to kiss 2012 good-bye also. However, there were lots of good things that came out of it, like meeting you!

    I heard a very short part of a sermon once that continually changes my outlook on things. Basically, the old preacher asks how the people are doing and how life is treating them. Then he turns it around on them by asking, "Did you wake up this morning? And were you breathing when you woke up? And were you able to get out of bed?"... You can imagine where you could take it from there... Did you hear a bird sing? Was the sky blue? Did the air smell sweet or like your favorite food? Did you have food to eat and water to drink so you could live? Did you wake up in a comfortable bed?

    You get the idea... there's so much we have the grace to be able to take for granted... it's that 'don't forget to stop and smell the roses' thing. For me, the more grateful I am, the more likely I am to smile, be kind to others AND finish what I start, LOL!

    Like Barbara said, every day is a new start, and sometimes, even a new hour can be. Here's to fresh starts, redo's, do-overs and love! Happy New Year, sweet friend!


Thanks for your two cents!